Edwin Roger Parra Cuentas

Company: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Job title: Director of the Multiplex Immunofluorescence & Image Analysis Laboratory
Reproducible and Quality Data for Harnessing AI-enhanced Digital Pathology to Develop Companion Diagnostics to Enhance Drug Response Rate 2:30 pm
How is AI harnessing pathological data for the identification of novel biomarkers to accurately predict drug response rate? How can different algorithms permit accurate patient selection based on pathological data to determine responders versus non-responders? How can multiple data sources be accurately validated to ensure accurate Companion Diagnostics generation?Read more
day: Day Two
Panel Discussion: Overcoming the Lack of Standardization in Digital Pathology to Drive Advances in Quality of Research, Diagnosis & Clinical Benefits to Patients 11:00 am
Emphasizing the importance of a standardized approach in digital pathology as we embrace digital advancement Unveiling the exciting potential of standardizing digital pathology to enhance diagnostic precision and streamline research methodologies Navigating novel challenges with standardization when overcoming sensitivity hurdles that impede access to dataRead more
day: Day One